A little bit about myself.

At a glance 📌

What people call me & what I do ?

UX/UI Designer / Product Designer

Where I have worked ?

Holaspirit, Les Maisons Rouges, The Wellness Institute

How I formalized my skills ?

UX/UI Design Certificate - Ironhack


Which tools I use for end-to-end design ?

Figma, Adobe CC, HTML/CSS, and more.

A closer look 🔍


After several experiences as a Project Manager in the field of finance, I had a big wake-up call during a trip to the end of the world. I realized that my job didn't really make sense for me and for the world. I decided to leave everything behind and start my own business. I used Design Thinking methods to develop my idea from A to Z: to accompany people who want to switch to a plant-based diet thanks to a training program created in partnership with 4 nutritionists.


After 1 year of entrepreneurship, I realized that I had not reached the goals I had set for myself, it was time for me to capitalize on the mistakes I had made in order to transform them into learning. Indeed, although I understood the needs of my users and customers, I did not succeed in developing the best possible user experience to solve their problems...

The entrepreneurial adventure allowed me to develop many skills and a great appetite for design in which I wanted to invest for the rest of my career. I understood that putting the user at the center of our considerations was essential to achieve the best possible experience and improve our business goals. 


So here I am, Product Designer, after several months of training and several projects that I was able to lead as a UX / UI designer thanks to which I developed my skills in UX Research, Visual Design, Interaction Design, Usability Testing, Wireframing and Prototyping.

Let's work together

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